United in the grand design of being happy and communicating happiness


The lodge badgeWelcome to the website of the Telephone Lodge No. 3301, a Masonic lodge within the Metropolitan Area of London, under the United Grand Lodge of England, with traditional connections to the telecommunications industry.

The Telephone Lodge was consecrated on 8th May 1908 and we were proud to celebrate our Centenary in 2008. Most of the founder members were from the telecommunications industry and the prime movers were staff from the London Area of the National Telephone Company, which was later absorbed into the Post Office in 1912.

Today, Lodge members come from many walks of life but the Lodge retains several brethren who work, or have worked, in the telecommunications industry.

Centenary Photograph

The Centenary Photograph 29th May 2008. We were honoured to be joined by leading Rulers from both UGLE and MetGL.

Rex 60th anniversary

The 60th anniversary celebration of RW Bro. Rex Thorne's membership of the Lodge and Freemasonry in January 2015. W. Bro. Peter Walker, on behalf of the Lodge, presents RW Bro. Rex Thorne PMetGM with an antique Siemens Bros telephone. Standing behind are (left) W. Bro. Malcolm Klein, the WM in 2015 and (right) RW Bro. Russell Race, MetGM, who had presented Rex with his certificate.

Charter Mark

 This website has been granted a Charter Mark by the United Grand Lodge of England.